Traditional Methods To Wellness

Regain your balance and peace

Threeworlds offers different ways to bring back harmony into a hectic life, as well as practical ways to cope with stress.

Life all around us is a dance of energy..

Sometimes we get out of step in our body, sometimes it seems life is treading on our emotional toes. At those times of life, we need to find our balance again. Then we can continue the dance of life with a few more dance steps and a whole lot more grace.

Traditional ways of wellness are tens of thousands of years old and are a cross-cultural recognition of a path of very practical ways to wellness and healing. Healing is bringing into balance the energies of life so we can live a full life not just seek to exist.

There are times in life despite our best efforts that life gets out of balance and the quickest way to regain that balance is to have a session with a Shamanic Healer  – within one session it is possible to feel a great shift and your sense of well-being returns.

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Our Services

Here are some of the sessions we offer:

In clinic healing sessions

Distance healing sessions

Release of Abuse Trauma

Space Clearing

Client Testimonies

Oh, how to summarize all the feelings popping up when i hear Darryl’s name?! He’s the guy who literally broke me into pieces and then glued the bits together again – with the amazing result of a much stronger, independent, lovingly, beautiful and secure version of myself. He helped me find the lost parts of myself I didn’t know existed and brought them all into oneness. He never gives you more than you can handle.


Jun 26, 2020

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