Space Clearing

Space Clearing

Some buildings or even just rooms may seem heavy, dull, or even dark.

Everybody has a different sized space and different issues. so feel free to write or call to ask questions and prices.

Dwellings build up energy. For example, if an argument has occurred in a room the occupants leave and they may begin to feel ok. Then if they return the unbalanced feelings come back. This can be because the energy from the argument has been “splashed” everywhere. The occupants may leave the room but the argument stays.

Energy can build up and make rooms or sometimes homes feel heavy or even depressed.

At times people feel they have a ghost in the home or that they are being watched or there is an unpleasant sensation or coldness or unusual activity that cannot be logically explained. In some instances, these energies do not let sleep come easily or even at all.



This service is available for both homes and businesses. 

These issues can be resolved easily and effectively with Darryl’s services so the space becomes lighter and more habitable.

There are three packages available.

type 1 Clearing out heavy energy to refresh the space.

type 2 Clearing out energies that may be affected by ghosts.

type 3 If you think you have something very abnormal or very destructive.

If you book a package for example type 3 and it only needs type 1 then Darryl will explain and payment will be adjusted accordingly.


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