
Available Sessions

Are you searching for a way to wellness that is practical?

Or maybe you are interested in a different approach to life that is supportive and nurturing?

A session with a shaman can make a big change in ways you never suspected.

Distance Healing

Would you like help but do not feel to face the world?

Maybe you cannot find anyone local who can help with your issues.

Or does it possibly feel uncomfortable to travel in a bustling environment after a healing session?

Not having to leave the comfort of your home can have the advantage of continued healing energy, especially if the session is before your bedtime.


In Clinic Healing

Do you feel a need to regain balance, and peace or become re-empowered? A shamanic healing session can certainly help.

The session is based on techniques that are tens of thousands of years old, they are practical and are successful in bringing back the quality of life.

A definite shift back to wellness can be experienced with only one session.



Do you want to discover the magic of your inner world without the unpredictability of psychedelics or the commitment of years to a meditation technique?

Soulflight is a safe and more controlled way to connect and travel the inner landscape to access healing and find answers.


Release of
Abuse Trauma

Are you stuck in patterns of living responding to old traumas?

Whether they are mental, physical, or emotional, help is available.

Release of Abuse Trauma is a unique session helping clients safely and non-invasively find ways that come to terms with the wounds that can’t be seen.

This fast-tracks the healing of patterns holding you back from fulfillment in relationships and healthier life.


Space Clearing

Can you sense a heaviness where you live or work?

Do any rooms feel uncomfortable or unusually cold?

These are just some symptoms of how homes or workplaces can feel. There is a solution to make these types of places more comfortable and habitable.

Everybody has different space sizes and issues. Feel free to write or call to ask questions about issues or prices.


Monthly Healing

If you have a desire to make deeper changes or to find support in your process these are available options.

The packages are offered and priced to provide a strong foundation so clients to take a course of direction towards a happier and fulfilled life with added advantages to a one-off session.


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