Release Of Abuse Trauma

200 eur (2200 sek) a session in clinic or by distance – duration 90 mins

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Our clinic is located in Stockholm – Sweden

These sessions have been developed by Darryl and Agneta Carlsson – (Carlsson’s Fysioterapi & Friskvård – Stockholm)

  This tandem session is unique and very powerful in helping alleviate the suffering of psychological, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.

Agneta and Darryl work together with the body on all levels to clear and release blockages caused by trauma.

The work is gentle, non-invasive, and does not require the client to re-live anything bad.

There is a clearing of mental, emotional, and physical energy so that a release through the body in a gentle and non-confronting manner of these issues

With a combined experience of nearly 80 years, any client is in good hands as they understand the issues and mechanisms which can sometimes haunt or hold a person back. 

There have been some incredible sessions from this work. Darryl and Agneta both consider this work to be very worthwhile to not only the client’s state of being but to all relationships in their lives.

It is a real and very life-changing experience that clears the way for future growth and transformation.

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